Thursday, October 31, 2019

Write a report on the condition of Youth Justice Provision in 2009 Essay

Write a report on the condition of Youth Justice Provision in 2009 (United Kingdom only) - Essay Example Recent studies like the one above demonstrate the persistence of discrimination within the justice system. Attempts are presently being made to counteract the serious joint problems of discrimination and oppression with youth justice. Notions of justice and equality are at the heart of the reforms currently being implemented within the Youth Justice System (Dugmore, 2006). Although the promotion of equality and anti-discrimination measures are not new to the Youth Justice System – they have in fact been under implementation for more than four years – these initiatives are important because they seek to tackle significant institutional issues such as discrimination against visible minorities within the UK’s Youth Justice Arena. Seeking to address the evolution of Youth Justice initiatives, this essay will discuss what has been introduced and evaluate the originality of these new initiatives. Accordingly, we will explore the principles underpinning the initiatives and discuss the consequences of these initiatives for both society and young people within the Youth Justice realm. The effectiveness of these initiatives in dealing with the problem of youth crime will be analyzed and we will critically evaluate what is missing from youth justice provision. Our analysis will focus primarily on the anti-discrimination measures presently being implemented in the United Kingdom’s Youth Justice System and key terms, including discrimination, exclusion, racism, sexism, prejudice, diversity and labelling will be defined to help outline the parameters of this essay. The legal framework for the application of anti-discriminatory practice in youth justice will be elaborated upon and followed by an analysis of the representation of individuals and groups within the Youth Justice System. Finally, this essay will consider why it is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pay Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pay Structure - Essay Example This will also help create an insight of the company’s payment plan. I will also analyze the compensation structure where the employees stand to receive their salaries depending on their roles, duties and distinctive responsibilities. In this aspect, I will seek to find out whether the company distributes salaries fairly to every employee irrespective of their social status (Foubert, 2010). This will help me find out any instance of gender or minority discrimination. I will seek to establish whether the company has a rewarding system, such as bonuses for work well done. I will also find out whether the company distributes rewards fairly to its employees. I will delve into the promotion process of the company, which is a crucial part of establishing incidences of fairness or elements of discrimination in the company (Foubert, 2010). Additionally, I will weigh the promotion system of the company against the present-day market standards in order to establish true and valid gender or minority based

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Travel Motivation: Linking Theory To Practice

Travel Motivation: Linking Theory To Practice Travel means the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations for any purpose and any duration, with or without any means of transport. Travel also includes relatively short stays between successive movements. Movements between locations requiring only a few minutes are not considered as travel ( In other meaning, travel can be defined as a journey, a trip or a walk from one place to another place in great distance whether using any transport or without transport. Travel can be for recreational purposes, for tourism, to visit people, for business or for commuting, and may occur for numerous other reasons, such as to obtain health care, migration, fleeing war, etc ( There are many purposes of travel such as to rest and relax, to meet friends and relatives, to visit and experience new places and also to having fun and enjoying the memorable moment. The young tourist can be defined as youth or young generation or population that age between 16 to 30 years old. In advance, young tourists were neglected by researcher because of they were always being assumed same with the rest tourist population in terms of similarities. Pastor (1991,p.7) states that for too long it has been imagined that young tourists are merely more naive versions of the adult tourist, and that their needs are the same as their elders, but on a smaller, simpler less demanding scale to be considered, in a sense, as sub-requirements. But, actually tourist population was separated in form of age, behavior and motivational factor. Instead, it is claimed that young tourists have a distinct identity, special interests and different needs which distinguish them from adult tourists (Ravon, 1991). This research topic was selected because we never known or never took concern about why people want to travel to overseas or in countries, what inspires them to travel and why they willing to spend their money and time merely just want to explore to other places. Furthermore, we do not have taken concern about the significant of travel, types of person that travel in context of age, behavior and inducement. In addition, tourism industry now increasing quickly to develop and had large potential in order to be major contributor to national economy. At the same time, it can introduce the country to international era with distinctive countrys uniqueness whose can attract various type of tourist to tour. However, every interest or inducement to tour that occurs in tourists themselves are varying because there are various walks of age in tourist population. Hence, we want to study about the young tourists group on their difference of inducement and interest to tour with aged tourists group and what motivates them. After I read all these journals, may be said that a little bit I can understand it and all the issues just now like answered. Especially, the significant or the importance of travel where it can be teaching us about the meaning of life satisfaction, open widest our mind to look the different corner of the world, know the cultural difference elsewhere which we might never known before and give us the experience to socialize and communicate with various type of people. SUMMARY Definition of motivation is general. There is various type of definition that can be used. According to Susan Velez (2008), motivation is the characteristic that is required in order to achieve anything in life; without it you will give up at the first sign of adversity. It is means to inspire and encourage a person to do their best towards something in their life. However, it is a slightly different with the definition of motivation in travel. Travel Motivation: Linking Theory to Practice For the first case study, travel motivation is a critical factor and a driving force behind tourist behavior (Crompton, 1979). The purpose of this study is to review the relevant literature on travel motivation and provides a scenario-based discussion on the applications of travel motivation theories in the industry practice (Huang and Hsu, 2009). This study was conducted by a comprehensive literature review on travel motivations that acknowledged the major theories. Two scenarios are presented and discussed by linking two motivation conceptual schemes, Maslows hierarchy of needs theory and Plogs allocentrism/psychocentrism model, to practical issues in travel management (Huang and Hsu, 2009). However, understanding tourists motivation merely imagination because it is very hard to understand different tourists need and wants from various age layer. It is closely related to the theory that applies in travel motivation with practices that theory into the real world. We need to study and understand totally the theory, only then we can fulfill tourist satisfaction according to age layer, their needs in travel, produce experience travel which meant for them and creating the repeat business. Profiling Young Travelers Travel Behavior According to Sung Chae (2009), the purpose of this study is to segment young travelers travel behavior on the basis of travel motivation. It is based on diverse needs and desires on the tourist attributes. Using oblique principal component cluster analysis, this study identified seven factors in travel motivation: Excitement, Tourist Attraction, New Experience, Relaxation, Atmosphere and Remembrance. The results indicate that the Korean young travelers travel behavior was varied between defined factors and different sets of socio-demographic and travel characteristics. The information was gathered by giving the questionnaire to the subject of study. The young tourist more tend to choose vacation that give maximum pleasure, vacation to attracting places so that they would repeat the vacation to that same place, sense new experience that never felt before this, can give satisfaction of resting and relaxing without any interference and pressure, reposed in place that have atmosphere who can cause mood to revel and produce holiday that memorable forever and made as a sweet memory. Travel Motivations and Destination Activities of Young Travelers of Different Ages: An Empirical Study in the United States Several studies have investigated the differences in tourism and destination activities of different age groups of the travelers in the United States. Previous research studies suggest different segments of American travelers exist based upon generational groupings. The findings of the study, based upon 744 respondents, clearly identified two distinct segments of tourists in the age group of 18-23 and 24-30 in terms of travel motivation and destination activities. The results can be used by managers to improve the experience of these two distinct groups of young travelers (Michael, Dana and Dinesh, 2008). In this study, two groups of different age were focused which is generation X (born 1961-1981) and generation Y (born 1982-2000). Through this study, found that both age group that having differences in terms of travel satisfaction, level of travel experience, motivations to travel and travel activities. After that, the result was produces where there are various factors that motivate them to travel and types of travel activities that they want. Some of the factors that motivate them to travel are the desire to travel foreign place, going to coast or island, having romantic holiday with beloved person, returning to place that we have gone before and want to spend time together with family and friends. Some types of travel activities is sightseeing, shopping, partying and celebrating and dining at special restaurant with good atmosphere and food. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on all research paper, can be deduced that there is tourist from various age layer, gender and standard of living. Through these research papers, a little bit can understand what motivate them to travel, which age group more like to travel and what types of place they like to take a trip. Especially young tourists, they expecting the vacations that gratify most maximum, like to gain new experience or try new materials, and they feel really fortunate if they can go travel to place that all this while they wish although lack of financial resources will be cultivated also. Unfortunately, mostly of young tourists group not emphasizing security matter when travel. Not many of them want a safety vacation such as old tourists. Especially women, because they was barer to various type of danger and threat at night time. Therefore, as a suggestion, they should take several initiatives to prevent thing that did not want to happen. Tell your family and friends on about vacation, keep map when sightseeing, do not carrying goods worth, wearing right clothes such as locals, sensitive with environment or surrounding (especially woman), avoid from dark place and always bring some small tool to defend yourself.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What is an expert? Essay -- essays research papers

Currently the most prevalent is that an expert is a person who has some skill or knowledge in some domain that is matched by only a few other people. These people are thus extraordinary in some way. Anders Ericsson, probably the best known of the researchers on expertise defines expertise as Relatively stable outstanding performance.Experts are often labeled as such. People called exceptional, superior, gifted, talented, specialist, expert, etc. tend to belong to the set of experts. There is no doubt that there are large differences in the quality of performance of different people on different tasks or in different domains. We can think of this difference as a scale of expertise. Novices are those who do not perform very well, and we can move through different levels of expertise until we find some individuals that we might say are skilled or knowledgeable beyond that of almost everyone else in the world, or world class. What is the nature of this dimension? What are the categories within which this level of expertise motif applies? Becoming an expert in any domain requires experience and effort. Don Norman introduced the notion that an someone requires 10,000 hours of experience and practice for reasonably complex domains to have the possibility of being an expert. Most people seem to agree with that assessment. In order for someone to become an expert in physics, music, chess, psychology, mathematics, baseball, etc. takes many hours, even years, of hard work and practice. ***Keith Ericsson in viewing the development of expertise argued that the most important factor, perhaps even necessary and sufficient for developing expertise is deliberative practice. Deliberative practice has four properties: (1) it is at an appropriate level of difficulty, (2) the participant receives informative feedback, (3) the participant has many opportunities for repetition, and (4) the participant has th opportunity to correct for errors (from Ericsson (1996; found in Sternberg & Ben-Zeev (2001). If we focus on the process of becoming an expert rather than the claim that only a few become expert, we may come to a position I first heard from Micki Chi. Children are universal novices. They have not developed very many of the component skills needed for any domain. Decalage is the order of the day; many of the skills needed are relatively domain specific. The topics in t... ...wa workshops; Miss America candidates from Texas; Prodigies of all sorts. Winton Marsalis view on becoming an expert: commitment, listening, training, practice, confidence, independence. Component skills and knowledges. Must borrow many of them, learn to apply them in the right places, and integrate them to the new task. Some knowledge and skill must be learned from scratch. Many skills need to be developed more highly. It is possible that all of the component skills can be decomposed into simple enough parts that they are known a priori; however, expertise still requires integrating and restructuring them into usable schemata. What is the state of novice performance? Inchoate states, random trial and error, frustration, backward chaining, small units, surface form, separate nonintegrated components, bottom-up Expert performance--focused, much forward chaining, top-down, coherent and integrated, abstract organization, large units, proceduralization, integrated sequences, skillful, selective. Ericsson, K. A. (1996). The road to excellence. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Sternberg, R. J. & Ben-Zeev, T. (2001) Complex Cognition: The psychology of human thought. New York: Oxford.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethics Game Simulation Essay

In simulation game, two dilemmas were presented. The first case is happened to a 16-year-old mother, RB. She is in her tenth hour of labor. Her parents are at bedside with her. Because of religious belief, they have chosen to limit the amount of medication and other medical assistance. Due to the length of her labor, her unborn child’s situation is getting worse. RB has not received any medication so far. Because of her fear and distress, fetal distress has been increasing gradually. RB’s brother stated that their parents want the staff hold the painkiller and treatment because they punish her for getting pregnant before she was married. RB is still a minor, her parents are informed of her health status, but we are not sure whether or not they understand how dangerous her situation could get. In the second case, one of the ICU patient, AT, was brought to the hospital by his domestic partner, YM. YM was accompanied with him while both of them were in the ER, but he was n ot allowed to visit his partner in the ICU. The shift supervisor nurse stated she would follow the rules and allow actual family members visit the patient. AT has been unconscious for one day and no definitive diagnosis has been reached. He was in critical condition and cannot make decision by himself. There is no related information on patient’s file whether or not approve or refuse the current treatment. In order to address ethically, I need to be attentive. So I have to identify the real dilemma first. In the first case, the teen and her unborn child need medical care but her parents are the legal guardian that have legal responsibility for her care. Now I have already now the problem, the next step is to be intelligent. I need to use my critical thinking skill to evaluate the facts. Also, I need to think about my obligation to my patient and how my decision affects each person involved in this case. Hence, the decision needs to be fair, fulfill my duty, and reasonable. I have to assure that the patient and her unbor n child get appropriate medical care, her parents’ wishes are being honored, and I will follow hospital’s policies and  rules. After careful consideration, my decision is to ask the assigned nurse to call a physician to make sure the mother and baby are assessed medically, they will get appropriate and necessary care, and both of them will be safe. Meanwhile, I will contact the chaplain to make sure patient’s parents’ values are respected by the medical care team. In the second case, I have to identify patient’s domestic partner’s rights and each person’s emotional state. Then I have to consider how to perform my job duty responsibly and my obligations to the patient, and patient’s best interest. The issue they have now is how to assure access for same-sex partner’s patients on equal footing with heterosexual couples. Because the same-sex partner do have some rights in this situation such as right to make decision for an unconscious family member. Since my patient, AT, is still unconscious and he can’t make any decisions for himself. So, my decision is to give YM access to his loved one and treats him as family. I will also speak to my supervisor about my decision. When utilizing ethical lenses, it will guide me make a sound decision. In the first case, I used right/responsibilities lens and results lens. The right/responsibilities lens focuses on duties and obligations, and be ethically acceptable. The results lens focuses on the duties and what meets individual desires, which means I have to consider how my action will affect each person. Hence, I have to combine all the analysis and my knowledge to make a sound decision in order to satisfy each person’s ethical desires. The second case, I used relationship lens and reputation lens. The relationship lens focuses on being fair. In order to be fair, I have to use my power appropriately and everyone’s rights as a person. For instance, I need to know the patient’s domestic partner’s rights and what kind access I can give to him. The reputation lens guides me focus on the virtues of each person. The rights/responsibilities lens allow me to consider my duty as a nurse and how to accomplish my duty. My patient and her baby’s safety ar e my top priority. Hence, I have to call the physician and notify him that my patient needs medical care. When using the results lens, I need to consider how to create a satisfied result to meet my patient and her family member’s needs and honor patient’s parents’ wishes as well. Hence, I have to contact the chaplain to comfort patient’s parents in order to meet their spiritual needs. The relationship lens allow me to consider my patient and his domestic partner’s rights. Hence, before I make a decision. I look at  hospital’s policy and rules. I want to make sure I give my patient’s partner his rights to access his loved one while I am still implementing hospital protocols. The reputation lens leads me to think about how to be a good nurse and how to provide best care for my patient. Also, I have to let my supervisor understand my decision and my standard as an employee and a nurse. As a home health nurse, we meet patients who from countries and who has different beliefs, and cultural backgrounds. I think when I have an ethical conflict, I have to assess the situation and gather data instead of making assumptions. After I collect data, I need to think about how the decision will impact each person involved in this case (right/responsibilities lens). As a nurse, I also need to remember ANA Code of Ethics. I have to remind myself I need to References, LLC. (2007). The troubled teen and policies an politics. Retrieved from: References Guido, G. W. (2010). Legal & ethical issues in nursing (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Buyer Behavior

Consumer behaviour is commonly described as the study of the factors that determine purchase of consumer goods. The analysis of such factors attempts to find out why, when, where, how and what individual do or don’t to purchase certain goods. Generally it is very difficult to evaluate how people come to make certain decision though peripherally it appears to be obvious. For this reason, researchers have affirmed that there are several elements that play part in the overall buyer behaviour and cover a variety of subjects including sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics among others.The customer needs and requirements are the central determinant of the purchase of goods, however with the current development in technology (communication and diversity of production), people have a variety of choices to pick from and for one to be able to win customers, he/she should produce the products that meet the specific customer demands, affordable and are convenient. Manipulatin g the customers psychology can be of great impact on the business as one can perceive what the customers want and design exactly that and therefore win a lot of customers.Buyer Decision Making The marketers are usually faced with great problem when designing the most appropriate promotion strategy to win customers to their businesses. This calls for research to find out the consumer behaviour so that market planning can be properly design (Klopper et al 2006), Unilever for instance, have constantly used its logo on all the goods because the reputation of the company is well known and intimately associated with the logo.The decision making process of the customers is the main focus because this is what determines whether the customer will purchase the product or not (Dibb & Simkin 2001). It also assists to design the marketing plan. Marketing is a very important aspect of business venture since the main aim of any business is to make profits. The process of planning and implementing the concept of price, promotion and supply of products and services is very complex and requires a plan; market planning.Marketers use a variety of means to describe how, when and where information on a product is presented to the customer. The purpose is to convince the customer to purchase the product and successful market plan creates the wish to buy hence the marketer needs to understand the likes, dislikes and expectations of consumers (Shaw & Semenik 1999). Market plan assess the customers in terms of demographic variables and behavioural changeable aspects.Research from previous has indicated that the consumer purchase behaviours are usually predisposed by the following factors; personal, psychological, cultural and social factors. It has been found that the interaction of these factors influence the customers to develop certain characteristic behaviour like brand preference or product loyalty. These factors are therefore very important for the marketers because they can use them to manipulate clients and end up with a lot of customers coming for their products or services.Though most of the factors cannot be directly manipulated by the marketers, understanding of the buyer decision process and the impact of these factors on the customers can be very beneficial in developing a marketing mix for their business and designed to appeal to the preferences of the target clients (Dibb & Simkin 2001). It has been established that before the purchase of a product or service, a customer goes through a process of making a decision.For easy understanding and analysis of the process of decision making, the process has been categorized into five stages; recognizing the problem, looking for other information, analysis of alternatives or substitutes, the actual buying decision and post buying behaviour (Shaw & Semenik 1999). The duration of the decision making process always very depending on personality and this range is described from the routinely buying practice to some degree of problem solving and more wide-ranging and far-reaching problem solving dealing.Due to interaction and the increase in communication technology, consumers get to exchange information and also get a variety of data from different sources which mean there is a lot of external influence on the decision one makes. For these reason, people do not act in seclusion in the buying process rather, their decision id influenced by several factors and people in the environment. The amount of influence gets complicated in the buying decision when a lot of people get involved and hence does the purchase decision by the customer (Howard & Sheth 1999).The decision to purchase and the actual purchase is powerfully controlled by the cultural, social, psychological and personal distinctiveness. These factors can be blended and used by a marketer to create the correct appeal for the customers. The decision making process can hence be interfered with at different levels and the outcome cou ld be that the customer gets to by the product without too much complexity (Shaw & Semenik 1999) Problem Identification: this is the difference between the perceived ideal desire for something and the actual situation of having to obtain the product.If the difference is greater enough, it is likely to evoke purchase of the product and this is described as the deficit in assortment of goods. For instance, a feeling of hunger is likely to inspire purchase of food because hunger can stimulate someone to eat. In this way, a company like Unilever can utilize this first step and stimulate purchase by an advert that create the idea that a customer is deficient, like the need to be beautiful using the Dove beauty products. This can inspire one to purchase dove as the ads usually uses model.Search of Information: this is a ways of obtaining information about the product about to be purchased and it is usually done in two ways i. e. internal search and external search. The internal search is when somebody relies on memory to remember past encounter with the product or the brand; this is usually used for regularly purchased goods and services. The external search is also a source of influence as one gets the information from friends and relatives, public sources like adverts, consumer reports, comparison during shopping etc.when a marketer clearly understands the importance of this stage in the purchase decision, he or she can present a lot of information (marketer dominated) in items like adverts, salesmen, website among other (Dibb & Simkin 2001). If Unilever uses several adverts that will capture the customer’s eye, it is likely to be remembered during this stage of decision making and leads to a positive response when one has to buy dove beauty products. Analysis of Substitutes (alternatives): this is the stage when the customer gets to set the criteria for buying.Under correct understanding of the decision making process, marketer can be able to establish bra nd name reputation and these brand name could easily fall in the clients criteria (Klopper et al 2006). Another important aspect here is to develop and win the customer worth notion. Unilever logo is very popular and since the reputation of the company is well established, it can form a very good basis for marketing against competitors like Lux, Lava and Ivory.The Buying Decision: a purchase decision is very critical to both the marketer and the client especially where to buy and is usually based on term of sale, previous knowledge of the product from the seller and return policy. When to purchase can be determined by appropriateness of the shop, store atmosphere and the time factor (Howard & Sheth 1999). Other factors in consideration when marketing include the product type, mode of packaging, and the means of purchase (online or physical etc).The Actual Buying: this can be altered by product availability and therefore, for a company to win customers over there competitors, they sh ould ensure that the products are always in the stores (Klopper et al 2006). Post Purchase Analysis: after acquiring the product, customers usually make comparisons of the actual effects and the expected outcome. From these, the product can be concluded as being satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Many companies are working very hard to ensure positive post purchase impact which will result in repeat purchase (Howard & Sheth 1999).Unilever can use follow up calls and sales people to convince the clients that they made the correct decision. This will help to manage the cognitive dissonance that is usually experienced and is characterized by tense moments and feeling of anxiety. Consumer Behaviour Theories Consumer behaviour theories are attempts to give explanations as to why customers usually behave in a certain way and not the other and is basically the basis used by marketers to make their marketing mix in what is called marketing theory.The basic buyer behaviour theory was postulated by Abraham Maslow, and this was based on the priority or the necessity of products and services and it mainly applies to the consumer goods. The second theory applies to merchandise or the industrial goods. This theory addresses the typical behaviour of buyers of organisational products or merchandise for business (Howard 1993). Essentially, there are four characteristic types of buyer behaviour as explained by the buyer behaviour theories and the categorization is determined by the kind good or services intended for purchase.The aim of the theories is to give answers to the following questions about customers; who? How? When? Where? And why do they buy? The buying behaviours are (Howard 1993); 1. Complex behaviour- this is the situation where a customer buys very expensive brand and inquires for more information prior to real purchasing. 2. Habitual buyer – this is when a client gets used to buying certain goods and regularly purchases them as a habit like newspapers etc. 3 . Variety seeking behaviour- this is when the customer develops the habit of shopping around for purposes of making comparisons and experimenting new products.This kind of client can shop different brands of the product say bread, cosmetics etc. 4. Dissonance reducing behaviour- these are buyers who get to do shopping because it is tasking or occasional. There is not greater influence by characteristics like branding, for instance the purchase of a gold chain. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory This theory explains what motivates people to purchase goods and the analysis is based on the priority or rather the necessity of the products or services to be purchased.In his theory, Abraham Maslow suggests that people will target to meet their primary needs first which include hunger and thirst (this is psychological classification) (Howard 1993). When these necessities are adequately satisfied, then the individuals can move to the next step of the hierarchy, i. e. the safety requi rements where main concern is the job security and the assurance that they will have regular income. The social needs come next and they are the need to be loved, this is a general human yearning and individuals will work hard to attain this sense of belonging.Self esteem comes next and this is the need to be recognised in terms of status quo and social class in the society, e. g. wearing branded shirts. Self actualization is the top most level of human needs and it is when an individual has achieved the most out of life, a point of life fulfilment (Howard & Sheth 1999). One can wonder that how can this concept help Unilever to market its products? Generally, marketing is meant to ensure that goods are sold and that they meet customers’ demands. The Maslow theory suggests that the individuals need keep on changing as they strive along hierarchy of needs to achieve self actualization.Unilever stores can store products that meet the esteem needs (particularly Dove beauty produc ts). This concept is therefore very important to marketers (Dibb & Simkin 2001). The theory of buying merchandise is more like the Maslow’s theory only that it does not include so much of the behavioural aspects. The theory works at macro-level and does not take into consideration how the retailers manage their business, the profits and hence it is of no big use to Unilever Company. Recommendations and Conclusions The two important marketing strategies are developing a marketing plan and carrying a market research.Developing the format of a marketing plan is the first step in making a marketing strategy. The plan should include; the objective and business mission; situation Analysis; the aims of the marketing strategy; strategic and tactical procedures; the budget and means of analyzing performance; and contingencies. The first step is to describe the challenge i. e. product to be marketed; in this case, the products are sandwiches, cold and hot drinks. Situation analyses inc lude several aspects, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, company analysis and customer analysis (consumer behaviour).Customers are a very critical element of any business venture and during market planning it is very important to carry out a market research about customer information including purchasing habits, type of customers, number of customer, and concentration of customers centre for certain products etc. Competition can be overcome by optimizing on the opportunities, maximizing the strengths and eliminating the weaknesses. All these are obtained through market research analysis of market segmentation and position.Unilever can greatly influence customers to purchase Dove beauty products by the process known as market concepts which can be derived from buyer behaviour. References Dibb. S & Simkin L. (2001). Marketing Briefs. A Revision and Study Guide. Butterworth-Heinemann Howard J. A (1993). Marketing: Executive and Buyer Behaviour. Columbia University Press Howard J. A & Sheth J. N (1999). The Theory of Buyer Behaviour. Wiley Klopper H. B et al (2006). Marketing. Fresh Perspectives. Pearson South Africa. Shaw R. T & Semenik R. J (1999). Marketing. South Western Publishing Company.